Oh, it's been a long time since I've posted. Sorry. :( I've been busy ever since I got back from our trip to Palawan. But when we got back home, for some reason, I was inspired to take pictures of a few outfits I really like and think I can make out of my closet.
For the next few images, please excuse my fatness. No need to excuse my face for it is no longer included. Ahaha.
Outfit One. Purple blouse - Topshop Floral skort - given by my mom |
L o o s e p u r p l e b l o u s e a n d a f l o r a l s k o r t. I was supposed to wear a necklace with this. Haha. I just realized now that I forgot it. If I wear this outfit to the beach, I'd wear it with my purple flip flops. If I wear it here, to school or church, I'd wear it with maybe my gold flats (I lack other colored flats, I'm sorry).
Outfit Two. Dark green graphic tee - Hardboy (shirt I stole from my brother's closet) Black and gold belt - Celine Plain denim skinnies - Be-U |
This is actually a standard outfit to dress up any kind of regular T-shirt: a g r a p h i c t e e , t u c k e d i n t o a p a i r o f g o o d s k i n n i e s, a n d a b e l t. It's pretty hard for me to pull this outfit off on a regular day, however, because my body type isn't exactly suited for it. Ohwell. Time to lose some weight to pull of such a simple outfit! <3 Haha.
Outfit Three. White top - small store in UP Pink blazer - The Black Shop (given by my mom) Gold necklace - Forever21 Grey shorts - Landmark Grey cloth belt - EssenXa |
L o o s e w h i t e s l e e v e l e s s t o p, p a l e p i n k b l a z e r, g o l d n e c k l a c e, g r e y s h o r t s, a n d a t h i n g r e y c l o t h b e l t. I actually got the cloth belt from one of my grey blouses. I'd wear this with my black and white flats, because I don't have any grey or pink ones. Matches though. I love this outfit, actually. I just really hate how it's just too insanely hot in the Philippines to be able to wear the blazer and survive. I'd wear it to a cold theatre though. :)
Outfit Four. White top - small store in UP Gold necklace - Forever21 Floral Skort - given by my mom |
Lo o s e w h i t e s l e e v e l e s s t o p, t u c k e d i n a f l o r a l s k o r t, a n d a g o l d n e c k l a c e. I'd wear this with my gold flats. A very summery and tropical look, I'd always think. Because of all the light colors. And I love how comfortable it is. :)
Outfit Five.
Outfit Five. White top - small store in UP Thin black blazer - K.Y. Fashion (given by my mom) Floral skirt with elastic waistband - Forever21 Gold necklace - Forever21 Thin black belt - Landmark |
L o o s e w h i t e s l e e v e l e s s t o p, t h i n b l a c k b l a z e r, f l o r a l s k i r t, g o l d n e c k l a c e, a n d a t h i n b l a c k b e l t. I'd wear this with my black and white flats. I noticed how much I favor the white top and the gold necklace. They're like staples in my wardrobe. And it's easy, so easy to pair the with just about anything. I actually wore this outfit to church last Sunday.
Outfit Six.
Outfit Six. Silver white tube top - Works Dark violet ruffle blouse - Zara! (given by my mom) Black skinnies - CompanyB Silver necklace - HongKong (given by a friend) |
A s i l v e r w h i t e t u b e t o p, d a r k v i o l e t r u f f l e b l o u s e, b l a c k s k i n n i e s, a n d a s i l v e r n e c k l a c e. I love this Zara top. My parents don't really encourage buying anything too branded or anything, or even anything super expensive if it's not needed. But it's kind of alright, because I get a whole lot of cute things from department stores that can even count as branded stuff. :) That's another tip! Buying from department stores isn't bad. At all. You get cheap yet really good stuff. Wootwoot!
This isn't really enough for the days of posting I've missed. Sorry again. :(
But I'll be posting again soon. :)
See you laterrr! <3