Friday, November 18, 2011

I came to win, to fly.

First nail art post! Yup. I've actually been wanting to do nail art for quite a while, especially after seeing how amazing they look (and after falling in love with my blue nails). It's kind of hard, I guess, to get the so many colors you need to make the perfect designs. But I think that this is something I can excel in too, especially because paint is my forte! Haha.

So there are a bunch of designs I've been wanting to do:

B r i t i s h  f l a g  n a i l s! I really want to do this next year. Probably for New Year. It looks amazing. I just need red and white nail polish and I'm good to go! Also, I really don't care anymore (or at least I don't want to care). If someone calls me stupid again for having blue nails, then so be it. (Just to let you know, Grandma, I made it to the Honors' list every single year in gradeschool, became top10 in my graduating year, and received 93 GPAs at the end of every high school year so far. Stupid enough for you?

You'll need red, blue, and white nail polish for this one. Plus a top coat, of course.
  1. Apply the blue nail polish as your base coat. 
  2. Paint one straight line in the red nail polish, and then another line across it.
  3. Paint one diagonal line across, and then another diagonal line in the opposite direction. Might actually look like a red snowflake right now, or an asterisk. (*)
  4. Line all the red lines with a thin white line.
  5. Apply the top coat, and you're done! :)

Another design I have yet to try is n e w s p a p e r  n a i l s!
I swear I've been wanting to do this for so long, it's just that I haven't had the time to really do them! 
from Youtube
I actually just printscreened this off a video from Youtube (link in caption). Before I thought that it was really hard, but it's actually pretty easy! I love the way it looks. I love backgrounds with text, and just random words jumbled together that don't really mean anything. The way it looks on nails is absolutely amazayn. 

You'll need base coat, light-colored polish (light grey, white, light pink, light blue, etc. ;; works best if it's a neutral color though), rubbing alcohol, newspaper, and a top coat
  1. Apply the base coat.
  2. Apply the light-colored nail polish.
  3. Pour some rubbing alcohol into a container and dip your nails into it for about five seconds.
  4. Take your newspaper and press it onto your nail for 15 seconds. 
  5. Apply the top coat.
Make sure that your nails are completely dry before moving on to the next step for better quality! 

For Christmas, I've been looking into different nail designs. There are just too many to choose from, and I don't know which one I want to do or which one I'm capable of doing! Haha.

So yeah. :) 
Christmas is almost near! Once my paper is done, I will definitely start feeling the holiday spirit. <3

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